Monday, September 10, 2007

Creating Breast Cancer Awareness

Please Help Tanya Walk 60 Miles in 3 Days!!

I need your help to reach my goal; because everyone deserves a lifetime!!!

Please help me do something BIG!!

Hello everyone,

My big 3Day walk is almost here. I can't beleive it is only 7 weeks away! I have been training, I have been sweating and I have been through at least 5 pairs of sneakers!! But what I am going through is nothing compared to what everyone that is affected by breast cancer goes through.

In case you haven't heard of this event, it is called the Breast Cancer 3Day. I will walk 60 miles over three days to support breast cancer awareness. (0 - 60 in 3 Days!!!) This walk is very important to me. My family has had to deal with Breast Cancer at least 3 times, I walk for them. I do it for all the people affected, and so that others don't have to deal with it. I do it for myself, in order to have a goal and reach it when I really need one.

In order to reach my goal and walk in The 3Day, I have to raise money - $2200 to be exact. I am not there yet, so am asking for your support. Asking for donations is never a comfortable thing to do and it seems there are always more excuses that pop up every day to not ask. But, I am asking this time; the cause is too important not too.

Here are some sobering facts about breast cancer:

1) The second leading cause of cancer death for all women
2) The leading cause of death in women between the ages of 40 and 55.
3) Approximately 200,000 American women will be diagnosed with breast cancer this year
4) Nearly 40,000 will die from the disease
5) Currently, one million women in the U.S. have the disease and probably won’t know about it for another five to eight years.

Increased awareness means more survivors. I want to survive this walk in order to congratulate all the survivors out there now, and to honor all the ones that put up a good fight.

I do have to reach the $2200 goal in order to participate and don't want the last 6 months of training, INCREDIBLY sore feet and gallons of sweat to have been in vane. I do this for you.

This is a worthy cause that I am supporting with every step I take. Please support me in my goal. All amounts are appreciated and know that your thoughtfulness is what will get me through every mile I will walk - and sleeping on the hard ground in a tent for the nights in between!!

I’m taking on this challenge to do something big.

Thank you in advance for your generosity!

Tanya Gibson-Wimalasekera

Please Help Tanya Walk 60 Miles in 3 Days!!

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