Sunday, November 16, 2008

Need a new tittle for your job?

Instead of being called a housewife, I would like to be known as the Home Minister of 24/7 Portfolio. Read the tittles created below and be inspired to create your own.

From My Inbox:

The labour department is to introduce 'new titles' to remove inferiority complex, so that workers could be proud and comfortable with their professional Titles.

These are:

1. Garden Boy - Landscape Executive and Animal Nutritionist

2. House Maid - Domestic Operations Specialist

3. Typist - Printed Document Handler

4. Messenger - Regional Business Communications Conveyer

5. Window Cleaner - Transparent Wall Technician

6. Temporary Teacher - Associate Tutor

7. Tea Boy - Refreshments Overseer

8. Garbage Collector - Public Sanitation Technician

9. Watchman - Area Theft Prevention and Surveillance Officer

10. Thief - Wealth Redistribution Officer

11. Driver - Automobile Propulsion Specialist

12. Receptionist - Office Access Control Specialist

13. Cook - Food Technician and Preparation Officer


In the end, each of us will be judged by our standard of life, not by our standard of living; by our measure of giving, not by our measure of wealth; by our simple goodness, not by our seeming greatness.

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