Friday, May 11, 2007

Mommys, start your ground work today

If you are a stay at home mom and pondering on starting a business when the children are older, start your ground work today. Young children are the best ice breakers. Just bring them out for a walk at the park and they will attract other mommys for you to network with.

I hate it when I have to tell my friends that I have forgotten to use a software programme or some tricks I have picked up just because I have not been working on them for a while. Don't loose the skills you have developed while working. Start making use of them in whatever way you can. Writing a blog is a good way to start as you can keep a record of tips and tricks you know and write about the new ones that you have developed an interest for.

If you enjoy cooking, start a potluck gathering with your friends and neighbours to pick up new cooking skills. Be more ambitious. Create a community group in your neighbourhood and offer to conduct talks or lessons on subjects you are good at. This is the best way for you to test drive what you intend to deal with in your business. Take objections and criticism to your business ideas with thanks. They are the best feedback for you to work on improving your product or services.

Following are Mommys who don't wait till their kids grow up:

What can a six months pregnant woman with 3 kids do? She has become an expert in selecting maternity wear. I love the selections she is selling on her website, Pretty Mommie eShop.

What can a mother with a young daughter do? She started a playgroup at the Bandar Sungai Long Buddhist Society. Take a look at her blog to see what she has been up to:


Chinneeq said...

Hi Nancy,
your can really write well. Thanks for linking me to your blog.

Unknown said...

Dear Nancy, Thanks a lot..