Thursday, May 10, 2007

Sins and Sinners

We are the temptations that we pray we will be delivered from. On reflection we are also the sinners who lead others to do wrong. And I am talking about our experiences shopping for greens.

We know that vegetable farmers use pesticides and yet we are always looking for un-hole-ly greens. Shouldn't that be a tinker bell that even the insects are rejecting them?

What can the farmers do but spray more pesticides on their crops? It's that or loose out in sales to other pesticides trigger happy farmers. I have heard that farmers grow a separate patch of greens for their own consumption.

Wait! Before you start buying hole-ly greens, ponder if the farmers would consider spraying more pesticides over the obviously pest infested vegetables to ensure that they arrive at the market with some recognisable greens attached.

It's either to grow your own or go organic.

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