Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Staring a group? Watch this!

If you want to start something, you just have to make the first move and the rest will follow.  Here is a video Derek Sivers shared to prove his point during his talk at TED .

I am inspired to start a conversation with you.  I am playing with letters picked out from the word "EARTH" and I realised that there is a story to share.

What do you see on "earth" as in your "heart"?
Lend a "ear"
"Hear" me
"He" is there
The "rat" too!
On "tar"
Feel the "heat"?
"Hate" that!
Where is the "hat"
On "her" with the "hare"
"Ate" it with "tea"!

On "earth" there is "heart"
Be that "heart" for the "earth"
The "art" to loving is in your "heart"
"Rate" it!
See the "tear"?

I hope I have moved you to take similar action.  What are your playing with?

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