Saturday, September 27, 2008

Bullying Behavior: Blame It On Bad Genes?

Remember the "Which came first? The chicken or egg?" article I wrote about? Though the egg comes first, the genes that go towards creating this egg are very important. Science Daily has reported that bullying behaviour can be inherited through genes.

It is noted that girls get aggressive behavior more from their genes than boys. Boys learn non-aggressive antisocial behavior more from the environmental influences they encounter. So, be careful of what you said in front of your boys. And I must remind myself to be more gentle when I talk to my girl.

\End Racism\

So, where did I find the quote, "Racial superiority is a mere pigment of the imagination' for this cartoon? Check out Quote Garden. Another that I like is "Laundry is the only thing that should be separated by color". Sadly, authors of both quotes are unknown.

Here is one by Muhaiyaddeen, M.R. Bawa that we should all remember, "Racial discrimination and bigotry will turn the world into a battlefield". How true? We read that in history and see that happening around the world. So, who Muhaiyaddeen, M.R. Bawa? According to God Articles, he is a Sufi mystic who tried to bring unity through understanding to the faithful of all religions.

Following are other sites you can go to for quotes or articles related to racism:

Better World End Racism Quotes

Google Images

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