Sunday, June 29, 2008

Do Chinese eat human feotuses and still born?

These photos look so real. I did a research and discovered that a Chinese artist, Zhu Yu, created an art performance called "Eating People" for the Shanghai Arts Festival in 2000. So, could these photos be taken during one of his performances?

Maybe his work had inspired someone to recreate it. So, I thought until I read a posting on Asia Finest Discussion Forum. So, what do you think? Is this for real?

Read more about Zhu Yu's art form from Snopes, BBC News and Sky News.



Unknown said...

is this for real..cuzz if its then is very could such people so things like this!!!

Nancy Poh said...

I am a Chinese and I have done my part by highlighting this story which I received in my email. Be proactive. What else can you do other than calling people names?