Thursday, April 17, 2008

Bandar Harapan needs your help

Talk about volunteering to improve your skills, there is a farm at Ara Damansara you can consider going to. Bandar Harapan is an organic farm to help disables and single parents become independent through self employment. If you would like to support this project started by Ivan Ho, contact him at 012- 7312755 or 019-3751382 and tell him how you can help.

I send this email hoping for your support to help the needy ones. I met Ivan Ho at the farm under TNB transmission station under Forest Reserve Land near Ara Damansara and the retail centre of address below, which is rented at RM2k per month and needs help either financially or real gotong royong help to make it ready .

More Impt Ivan needs help to

a. register the society . Need a committee and people familiar with this procedure.
b. adequate voluntary committees to assist in complete the retail outlet which has to be user friendly by the handicapped( RM15K), furnished it with packing machines, IT facilities, telephones(RM10K),a van to transport disabled and farm products, and volunteers for farming works.(RM30k to 50K)
c. long term programmes for Bandar Harapan like public awareness that Bandar Harapan provides 3 main areas of services ie Humanity , environmental and medical.WE need volunteers to continously conduct classes for students or parents who want to expose their kids to recycling the vegetable and food waste and bring it to the farm to make organic fertiliser. Organic food should be encouraged as soil gets more fertiler with organic fertiliser .

IVAN needs help as he is alone helping the needy . He can be contacted at 012- 7312755. Call him first so that can organised a more meaning ful helping gotong royong.School kids can adopt a piece of land and plant their organic products.

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