Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Keeping abreast by volunteering.

I have taken up quite a number of software training and computer skills while I was working. I noticed that I cannot recall most of the useful tricks I have picked up as soon as I stopped using the software. And I hate it when I have to ask my friends for assistance when I need to utilize softwares that I used to know.

I have discovered a way to retain my administrative skills and pick up new skills in the process. I have volunteered to be the Secretary of Sungai Long Buddhist Society.

Last year, I was able to learn how to download videos from YouTube, save and view them off line from my PC from a fellow member. This year, the society has a good number of new committee members with a wide variety of skills and interests. I expect that I will be able to pick up anything from photography to audio visual set up to publishing.

What do I have to share with them? How about National Grid for Learning Cymru, an online teaching and learning resources, funded by the Welsh Assembly Government?

From there I discovered a "How to" link that contains step-by-step guide of the most commonly used software applications of schools in Wales.

Now we all know where we can go if we need some tips or brush up on the following software:

Microsoft Word
Microsoft Powerpoint
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft Publisher
Microsoft Movie Maker
Microsoft GIF Animator
Smart Notebook
ICT Alive
Illuminatus Opus
Pinnacle Studio
Roamer World
Netobjects Fusion
Windows Sound Recorder
MSW Logo
Digital Blue Camera

Caught your interest? This is where you can find "Volunteer and Charity Work" in Malaysia.

Be more adventurous. There are many organizations overseas looking for volunteers. Here are some that I have discovered.

Global Conscience Initiative in Cameroon.
Volunteer Match in USA
Go Volunteer list information on some of Australia's leading volunteer organisations.

So, retain your skills and discover where they can take you when you think the time is right for you.

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